Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome Home.

 Come home to who you really are.
Walk your path freely.
Truly release and be you.

Reveal your Bliss...Be Blissfully Fit.

Being Blissfully Fit means to align yourself with the holistic strength and balance in life you were meant to have. You were homegrown for this purpose. If you feel a part of your life is missing or sliding off the radar, then Blissfully Fit can help by assessing what's happening in your life right now. With a consultation about the assessment results, Blissfully Fit puts you on a program that's indidivdualized to suit your needs.

Blissfully Fit goes from a yogic model of consciousness called the koshas, or layers of consciousness, that when fully balanced, reveals a higher nature that aligns with your purpose, helping you to live the life you were always meant to live.

Realization begins in the body. Everyone can understand a physical experience. Revealment continues through the breath, travels into the mind where it expresses itself as an emotion. From there, the journey of realization becomes manifest in the intuitive wisdom of the process, rising out of the physical and mental experiences to the point of the observer. Stay in this space and rise as you will intimately know and dance with your Bliss body.

This is the Blissfully Fit Experience. Aligning your heart with your truth has never been more clear, more visceral, more real.

Welcome home.

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